
Dental Disease


The Problems:

  • The majority of cats and dogs enter adulthood with healthy mouths, however periodontal disease is the most common disease of adult cats and dogs affecting from 60% to more than 80% of animals, regardless of breed, gender or age.
  • Dental disease is often a silent process that progresses without detection. Even in severe cases dogs and cats may not demonstrate any obvious discomfort.
  • You may only notice that your pet has bad breath but under the accumulation of plaque or tartar there may be redness, swelling, recession and bleeding of the gum margins, accumulation of pus and tissue destruction all leading to a tooth that will need removing under general anesthetic.
  • Oral disease may compromise your pet's systemic health. Bacteria enter via the gum line and may infect other organs leading to heart disease, pulmonary infection and damage to the kidneys and liver.

The Solution:

  • Oral health is achieved through a combination of professional therapy and home care. The level of plaque control necessary to maintain oral health must be assessed for each individual animal. Therefore routine examinations to assess oral condition are necessary, as prevention is always better than cure.
  • Appointments with our dental nurse are free of charge and they will be happy to discuss the many different ways to maintain your pets oral health as well as providing the necessary back up required after any dental treatment.

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